Last updated on July 24, 2024
Greeting Truth-seekers,
JOE ROGAN, THE DRUG-ADDLED CIA SHILL & SELLOUT, and Alex Jones, are plants by the CIA, to push the New-World-Order of global socialist totalitarian enslavement on unwitting followers, to get those followers hooked on drugs, and also to dis-credit real conspiracies, among other traitorous things.
WATCH OR READ Undeniable evidence that:
1. Joe Rogan works for (directly or indirectly):
CIA – Whose job(one of many) is to stealthily push Americans into their One-World-Communist-Government, the NWO.
Rockafeller – A financier of Joe Rogans podcast.
Pentagon – Gave us, Doom, a military designed video game to train & desensitize people to kill other human beings.
George Soros – A financier of MAPS.
Peter thiel – Another indirect financier of the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast.
Elon musk – Forces on us his Nueuralink(brain-internet interface) and of course, his electric cars that requires a mountain to be strip-mined by child slave labor, in order to get a cup of lithium; and also sponsors the JRE.
Esalen Institute – A sort of Bohemian Grove 2.0, to manipulate people into cultural change(NWO) including their brainchild, the Universal Basic Income. Includes such change agents, as Aldous Huxley, Alan Watts, and Joe’s boy, Terrence Mckenna, and more.
MAPS – Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychadelic Studies, pushing the use of magic mushrooms on people in any way it can.
The Disinformation company – Whose key persons are Matt Staggs, Joe’s original talent booker and all around satanist.
23andme – A dna harvesting company sponsoring JRE, that does bad things with your dna.
2. Joe Rogan pushes drugs on kids. The above listed entities supply Joe with drugs. Joe is allowed to injest illegal drugs and be high on camera in front of his large following, and he never gets in trouble.
3. Alex Jones & Eddie Bravo come together for another Shillfest: With Alex and Joe going to the bathroom together to snort cocaine. Where we watch alex’s jaw moving around and his eyes bugging out while he makes up stories. While Eddie Bravo invokes his fake credibility with enough jargon to fool their followers.
Also: The Truth about Bob Lazar; he is a CIA agent who constantly violates NSDD84, a govt secrecy law, and never gets the death penalty; unlike like the Rosenbergs. Because its his job is to pretend that he has access to (faked) ‘alien’ technology. But ‘aliens’ are really a CIA fabrication.
The Truth about 911, is that special-ops thermite was found all over the area, but covered-up. The type and kind that would be neccesary to pre-plant, to bring down some of the strongest buildings on the world.
The so-called moon landing, was a movie written by Arthur C. Clarke, the fiction writer, directed by Stanley Kubrick, and produced by George Mueller. Sure thats my opinion, and you have yours. But all anybody has now are opinions because NASA destroyed ALL the so-called evidence. Very suspicious indeed.
And much much more as Richie Comito(RichieFromBoston), Matthew North, Ben L(RvTruth), and me, Edison Carter, break it all down:
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Godspeed fellow Americans,
Your faithful librarians,
Edison Carter
******* YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOWLEDGE ******* – Edison Carter
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