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Last updated on July 24, 2024

“Give me control over a nation’s currency,

And I care not who makes its laws.”

Mayer Amschel Rothchild (1743-1812) You are attacked by this silent weapon every day of your life by your hi-jacked govt. You are attacked by this silent weapon every day of your life by your hi-jacked govt.


They are weapons(TV’s, electronic screens, etc) that shoot brainwashing instead of bullets; propelled by data processing instead of explosions; from bits of data instead of gunpowder; from a computer instead of a gun; by a programmer instead of a marksman; and under orders of a banking magnate instead of a military general. TV brainwashing TV brainwashing

HOW do they work?

Via: Subliminals, flicker rates, emotional manipulations, propaganda, cultural wars, spying/surveillance, fake news, Operation Mockingbird, anticipatory intelligence, weaponized apps like ‘HULU’, and many many more ways including stuff 50 years into the future that you could not possibly imagine. TV flicker rates TV flicker rates

ALSO, in later in the video we give you a real remedy, straight from the horse’s mouth, and we don’t put it behind a paywall(like Anthony Patch, and others) because we are in the #Truth community.

BONUS: The truth about ‘freemas0n’ Jack Posobiec, later. TV subliminals TV subliminals

The bottom words in the above pic are what your eyes see, but the top words are what your brain records! Wow, amazing but true. This is the stuff the cia uses to control your thoughts, unbeknownst to you.

In other words, Subliminals are right in front of your face but you cannot see them.  Or at least, your conscious cannot, but your subconcious picks it right up and then modifies your own beliefs, by manipulating some weakness in the human brain, that allows invisible, undetectable brain-washing/conditioning. 6 corporations own all media 6 corporations own all media

WHO is doing it?

6 corporations, controlled by cia front companies, control ALL of the media you see and hear. They push their propaganda that tricks YOU to get you to go along with their globalist plans from your hi-jacked gov’t; which is slowly assimilating you, into giving up your God-given rights. Because these are silent weapons. Edward Bernays, the master manipulator Edward Bernays, the master manipulator

Edward Bernays was the master manipulator that got the ball rolling.  Today, with computers, its many many times worse. Obama signing 2013 NDAA which allow the govt to lie to its own citizens Obama signing 2013 NDAA which allow the govt to lie to its own citizens

Pres. OBAMA signed the ndaa of 2013, essentially allowing ‘LYING’ to Americans, while calling it news, without restrictions. 100% fake news made legal by Obama's signature on the 2013 NDAA 100% fake news made legal by Obama’s signature on the 2013 NDAA

Thus we got fake, fraudulent, and fictional made-up news from major news corporations. And there was no punishment or even a moratorium. Yes it goes on every day of your life, it was never ended, because these are silent weapons, and nobody even knows about them. Operation Mockingbird writes all the national news and all the anchors just read it off verbatim, while you think it was done by individual investigative reporters Operation Mockingbird writes all the national news and all the anchors just read it off verbatim, while you think it was done by individual investigative reporters

Operation Mockingbird is(it was never ended) the cia operation where one pre-written(real or fake, it doesnt matter) script is used for every news outlet, national thru local. George Orwells book 1984 was actually non-fiction; he was intel agent and wrote about documents he saw come across his desk George Orwells book 1984 was actually non-fiction; he was intel agent and wrote about documents he saw come across his desk

George Orwell’s “1984” is a great movie in that, it really is a documentary.  The flickering light on the wall represented your tv.  It manipulates you silently using frequencies and flicker rates, etc.  For example, 60hz is the exact perfect frequency for Human-Hypnotising.  They could have picked from a variety of rates. The black surveilance helicopter is not a myth. The black surveilance helicopter is not a myth.

The “black helicopter” (actually has a white underside) is not a conspiracy anymore thanks to Carter.  He entered the history books by exposing this and quickly become a Targeted Individual.  Watch them buzz Carter at illegal alltitudes leaving 666’s (their number; they are telling us, WHO their real boss is) in their wake. Time Magazine article about store playing do not steal voices, that drop theft rates Time Magazine article about store playing do not steal voices, that drop theft rates

Time magazine reporting on how effective subliminals are at the mall, because everybody is doing it.  This was from a time when real reporting was done. Not anymore. Because this is a silent weapon. The illuminatti controls Congree and the President, and theyve declared war on Americans The illuminatti controls Congree and the President, and theyve declared war on Americans

And WHO controls the cia?

Its the illuminatti gang of trillionaires, again. They are the ‘illumined’ ones, they think; but unfortunately, they’ve declared war on Americans using many many many actors, such as Jack Posobiec.  Adam Green explains at the end of the video. The anti-static screen is the only defense against the weapon coming out of all screens, says the man who invented the weapon system The anti-static screen is the only defense against the weapon coming out of all screens, says the man who invented the weapon system

What’s the Cure?

AH, THE ANTI-STATIC SCREEN.  Very hard to find. In fact there’s none left.  If you have a machine for making these->Truthordie777 at protonmail dot com. We are not doctors nor is this medical advice; but the guy who invented the weapon system said this is how to block it. Patent: All screen have this mind control ability Patent: All screen have this mind control ability

All screens have this dual purpopse that they dont tell you about. The patents are frightening; Only a psychopath would even think of this.

The HULU app and many many others are literally silent weapons for quiet wars on your brain. Jack Posobiec is a freemason and m0ssad agent; Do not believe his lies Jack Posobiec is a freemason and m0ssad agent; Do not believe his lies

FALSE PROPHET ALERT: Traitor Jack posobiec is way more like Judas than James Bond. Your screen watches and judges YOU Your screen watches and judges YOU

The two-way sampler; hard to believe but even you old tv is a camera and watches your reactions. Data is fed to a computer for analysis.  Today that data is sold; they make millions recording your reactions but you’ll never see a dime. And if your opinions are different from the mainstream, the computer puts you on a list, to be dealt with in the future. Patent. Remote manipulation by monitors. This patent is from 2001, but original patents go back to the days of black and white tv's Patent. Remote manipulation by monitors. This patent is from 2001, but original patents go back to the days of black and white tv’s

Children and elderly are most effected, but without the shield, even the middle aged are at risk.  We are not doctors but we can read patents. This is not medical advice, this is general advice created by critical thinking using sources and common sense; and we are just passing along the accurate intel.

Throwing out your tv and cable box, is how I survived, and didn’t get my own opinions shamed.  Be yourself. Have your own opinions.


Your faithful librarians,

Edison Carter

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******* YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOWLEDGE ******* – Edison Carter

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