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2. David Knight the Sell-Out?‬ The ‘Proud Anti-Vaxxer’ selling Pfizer ads.

Last updated on July 24, 2024

David Knight the sell-out? You decide..
FACT: The David Knight Show is now sponsored by BionTech & Pfizer!‬

‪Has he become the monster he exposes?‬ ‪

Fake anti-vaxxer?‬ ‪

Grifter in disguise?‬ ‪

Greetings Patreons,

I used to be David Knights biggest fan. I had the MOST DK videos on youtube (see where it says “72 unavailable videos are hidden”) before my channel was deleted by the American communist CENSOR. So I didnt think I’d ever write a blog title like, David Knight the sell-out. 72 of 73 David Knight videos banned by the American communist censor 72 of 73 David Knight videos banned by the American communist censor

A little backround on The David Knight Show, as DK explains, he lost his patreon and venmo account due to the secret communist takeover of America (via the public/private partnership of govt controlled corporations).

So, DK decided to add 18 more ads per podcast, to pick up the slack.  Unfortunately, the Spreaker service he uses, plays, on occasion and to me definitely, Biontech & Pfizer ads.  Thus, DK is sometimes directly sponsored by big pharma, the monster he says he’s fighting/exposing.

Now, he does NOT control which ads play.  So, what should he do? He should cancel the service, I say.  Maybe go back to the old podbean service which did not have this problem.

Next, he will be losing money, obviously.  But let me tell you something.  If he thinks he will remain in the ‘Truth Community’ while maintaining his lifestyle, he’s wrong. Our hi-jacked communist gov’t has ratcheted us down and so there is no way around it.

Perhaps, get a smaller house, like I did.  Or don’t, and by default he will move from the truth-community into the grifter-community.

At this juncture, his credibility is at stake.

To conclude, I pray he makes the honest move.  I will be making future updates about The David Knight Show, if you ask.  Don’t forget to subscribe.

David Knights "Nullify Tyranny" convid19 speech 2021. Fact-checked by Edison Carter
David Knights “Nullify Tyranny” convid19 speech 2021. Fact-checked by Edison Carter

In the meantime, you should watch his “Nullify Tyranny” video about the convid19 scandal at Gerald Celente’s peace rally in 2021 here:

Godspeed fellow Americans,


Your faithful librarians,

Edison Carter

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