Carter here: Yes, JFK, SHOT BY HIS DRIVER, Secret Service Agent Greer, indeed. My new video has everything you need to know:
Here is Agent Greer(the driver) firing a custom assassination air pistol with an exploding pellet containing shellfish toxin at JFK.
The assassination pistol is electrically operated and specifically designed for assasination by the C1A, as admitted in the Church committee hearings.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy, standing in front of the book depository, in the doorway, watching the motorcade going by.
Dealey Plaza is a mason1c outdoor temple of the scottish rite.
The obelisk represents satans penis with the flame on top representing lucifers ‘light’. Lucifer literally means light-worker.
The dragon, another representation of satan, or evil.
The pyramid, represents an important symbol of the newage/pagans
WHO? The assasination of JFK was carried out by the US Navy, along with Division 5 of the F.B.1, The Secret Serv1ce, and the C1A.
Your government has been hi-jacked by the ‘bilderberger’ group, which also goes by many names and synonyms such as, the cartel, cabal, deepstate, mj-12, new world order, communists, globalists, agenda 2030, council on foreign relations, trilateral commission, illuminatti, skull & bones, the round table; and who also use propaganda terms such as, ‘WWG1WGA’, ‘DARK TO LIGHT’, and ‘1000 years of light’, to name a few.
George H.W. Bush was the ‘boss’ of the JFK assassination operation.
The first shot was fired by the ‘umbrella man’.
The ‘umbrella man’ was using a C1A umbrella gun
The umbrella-gun fired a paralyzing dart, silently. Presumably so JFK wouldn’t be able to duck from the subsequent barrage of sniper fire.
Congress and the deepstate-controlled-media tried to cover up the truth about the umbrella weapon by mocking and laughing at it.
A dallas pol1ce officer admitted to being one of the snipers in his diary. His son brought the diary to the authorities, who ridiculed it, and then lost it.
All 20 material witnessess were subsequently murdered within 3 years.
James Corbett’s job, as always, is to bring more confusion and cause more harm than good, among other things.
Whistleblower and martyr, Bill Cooper, for his efforts at proving JFK WAS SHOT BY HIS DRIVER , was tortured and shot in the head, execution style.
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******* YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOWLEDGE ******* – Edison Carter
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